Unwanted Pregnancies, Abortion, Adoption and Forced Birth

First, I apologize to my fellow pro-choicers and pro-abortionists for the passion which may come across as anger in this video. Sometimes my disbelief in these people and their heartless stances on innocent life blow me away. I don't expect everyone to agree with me; but from personal life, and from academic and professional research … Continue reading Unwanted Pregnancies, Abortion, Adoption and Forced Birth

My Late-Term Abortion Story -Written- & How I Am Today #1in3speaks

Ah, abortion relief. I had it the moment I woke up after mine. And I have it now, too. I have tons of different type of videos on my YouTube page that discuss my abortions (yes, two) from multiple angles. I also have my abortion story. I've been asked if I could type it as … Continue reading My Late-Term Abortion Story -Written- & How I Am Today #1in3speaks

Amazing Article- Why For Some Abortion is The Responsible & Most Morale Choice

Below is one of the most brilliant abortion stories I've ever read. I love how she is so unforgiving when using the term pro-abortion; I love that she admits the resentment she felt during pregnancy. That is what we need more of; open, truthful communication. Because at the end of the day; it is normal, … Continue reading Amazing Article- Why For Some Abortion is The Responsible & Most Morale Choice

Forced Motherhood is an Atrocity; Abortion is Not “Bad” or “Evil”- Here is the Reality…

Let me first make this clear: I am not encouraging, nor discouraging, abortion in this post. In summary, I am saying, having an abortion is not wrong, it is not evil or bad. I am saying, if at this stage (or that stage, if you've had one) you know having a child isn't right for … Continue reading Forced Motherhood is an Atrocity; Abortion is Not “Bad” or “Evil”- Here is the Reality…